Printedge is Knoxville's favorite source for direct mail!
Printedge utilizes an in-house mail facility to handle all aspects of direct mail: from design, to print, to bindery, to fulfillment, our team of experts will give you the most bang for your direct mailing buck.
Whether you're a non-profit needing to send out a quarterly mailer, or a major corporation looking to launch a national marketing campaign, we can tailor a direct mail package that will suit your needs.
There's a big misconception that direct mail is dead in this Digital Age we live in. This could not be further from the truth. Direct mail creates a physical bond between your brand and your target audience. It doesn’t involve complicated analytics. And your direct mail campaigns can be personalized and highly targeted. What’s not to love about direct mail?
Consider these statistics:
1. 79% of households say they read or scan direct-mail ads
Your customer base isn't just willing to read your print marketing materials; they're highly likely to read them. How many online ads do you read every day?
2. 39% of customers say they try a business for the first time because of direct-mail advertising
If you've ever wondered where to find new customers, direct-mail marketing is the solution.
3. Direct-mail marketing yields, on average, a 13-to-1 return on investment ratio
Many small businesses are wary of print marketing due to the perceived high initial investment, but the average return speaks for itself.
4. 92% of young shoppers say they prefer direct mail for making purchasing decisions
The number across all ages is 67 percent, second only to newspapers at 69 percent. More digitally inclined shoppers are actually trusting print marketing more, perhaps due to their familiarity with the online environment.
5. Direct mail brings in 78% of donations for nonprofits
As far as fundraisers go, direct mail can't be beat! It's also cheaper than staging an event.
6. For every $167 spent on direct mail, U.S. marketers sell $2,095 in goods
That makes for a 1,300% return on average. Do your Facebook and AdWords efforts pay off like that?
7. Since 2004, direct-mail marketing response rates have increased by 14%
During that same period, email response rates have plummeted by 57 percent.
8. 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing
If you want to build trust, the statistics suggest you should invest in print.
9. 44% of customers visit a brand's website after receiving direct-mail marketing
If you knew you could get 4 in 10 people to visit your website with a simple postcard campaign, would you do it? That's 10 percent more than people who visit a brand's website after receiving an email.
10. 48% of people retain direct mail for future reference
Even if your direct-mail marketing doesn't yield an immediate response, customers will remember you when it's time to buy.